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Subversive Slow Roll

Subversive Slow Roll




Subversive Slow Roll

Subversive Cycling Company

Subversive Cycling Company


Saturday, April 01

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Subversive Cycling Company

327 W. Jefferson St., Rockford, IL 61101

Subversive Cycling Company


📣I’m itching for a cruise night..

Calling all cruisers, Low n slow!

😎Get those classics and cruisers out of the garage and shine em up. This spring let’s roll out in style. Subversive Cycling Company will head a cruise night for all those who prefer the back of the pack on the typical social ride. Leave your race kit at home and grab that beach cruiser or custom contraption you can’t keep up with on any other ride.

🧭the route is in the works. I pretty much know what we’re doing but I will post that info when it’s solidified. Thanks for your patience.

🧐The date of this ride is still tentative. We will carefully watch the weather closer to the date. This is a ride that can easily be a frequent recurring event so don’t feel like you have to take off work not to miss it. However this will be the inaugural Slow Roll and April 1st is the shops 2 year anniversary in business 🥳 so we will shoot for that date.

⚠️Your attendance will be considered agreement that you and you alone are responsible for your actions at all times. Don’t think you’re going to sue me because you fell off your bike. This ride will be controlled and guided with a couple stops at places that serve alcohol. I’m not your mamma. Be responsible! 

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